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Corporate Profile


For almost sixty years, New Jersey’s Artisan Controls Corporation has been recognized world-wide as a leader in the Design and Manufacture of solid-state electronic Timers and Controllers. Artisan has designed more than  four thousand different types of solid-state Timers and Controllers, many of  which are “custom tailored” to our customer’s specific requirements. All of  Artisan’s controllers are designed and built in America to the highest industry  standards. We are committed to providing our customers with a professional  response to all inquiries, a prompt engineering review of your design  requirements, rapid prototype delivery, excellent product quality and  exceptional  customer service at a fair price. 

Artisan’s founders were ex-Military Engineers who in the 1960s  developed timing modules for the US military’s rocket sled testing at Sandia National Laboratories in Los Alamos; in the1970s, developed controllers used in test firing the Engines for the Apollo Space program and control interface  modules used in Washington DC’s air traffic control system;in the 1980s, created  a line of industrial controllers for machinery, HVAC and elevator systems; in the 1990s developed railroad brake and coupling systems; in 2000 developed controllers for the Food Service industry, controllers for the Emergency Lighting on Amtrak passenger cars and in 2005 state of the art Dimmers for Movie Theaters. More recently Artisan designed controllers for conveyors, agriculture feed systems and disbursing lubricants for the railroad. In 2012, Artisan designed a new line of Cooking and Frying Controllers for a major equipment supplier to the Food Service Industry.

To date, Artisan has designed and manufactured millions of solid-state timers and custom controllers for American and International Fortune 200 Companies, the US Government, all branches of the Military and small businesses alike. Our timers and controllers operate factory machinery, medical equipment, elevators, lighting, HVAC systems, railroad and transit equipment,  conveyors, farming machinery, ovens, fryers and much more. 

In 2019, Artisan rolled out its’ Nex Gen Line of Cooking and Frying Controllers for Major Food Equipment manufacturers, some of which include robotic type auto filtering systems for fryers and wi-fi interface that allows real time reporting to owners and managers of cooking status, daily operational data, recipes, and equipment maintenance status. 

As our motto says, “We Control More Than Time”. So, if you are seeking an experienced US Company that designs and manufactures state of the art  Electronic Timers and Controllers, custom fit for your specific application, with rapid design and prototype delivery, excellent product longevity, warranty and service at a fair price, call or visit Artisan Controls today. Our experienced Sales and Engineering Team stand ready to service all of your Controller needs.

(973) 598-9400 x11 or x14